Friday, May 17, 2013




noun, plural con·sist·en·cies

steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, form, etc.:There is consistency in his pattern of behavior.

My life is winding down and I'm really happy about this!  School is ending and I will go back to working part - time.  I've decided to further slow things down by taking a break from school.  Hopefully, it will just be for the summer but at this point I may take off the rest of the year.

I'm on Day 12 of the 21DSD.  Sleep hasn't been easy these last couple of days and I have a feeling its because of stress.  

I'll do my best to continue this blog.

Monday, May 6, 2013

21 day Sugar Detox**Day 1

People get on my nerves!  I have never fully been able to deal with how I FEEL about how other people ACT.  Actually I have never fully been able to deal with how I feel period.  Take away my sugar and I have no comfort. Take away my sugar and make me workout, run or swim and that's like torture.  I would like to find alternative ways to deal with these types of challenges other than ingesting some sort of sugary treat, but old habits never die easily and mine are FIGHTING me all the way. Sigh~~ this can be really hard at times.

There I said it!  

I slept 12 hrs last night and this is how I feel this morning :) 
Luv it!

I finally got in the water yesterday.  The ocean was chilly and beautiful.  Let the swim season start for me!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Dedicated to 6am class

If  your going to Crossfit at 6am, you better BRING IT!  Aside from paying attention during workouts, it can be especially challenging if your not readily alert in the morning.

For me it takes awhile and at least 2 cups of coffee.  But 2 cups of coffee is "No Can Do" before crossfit in the morning unless I want to feel sick.  No thanks.  So working out is my wake up!

I'm also very hungry afterward.  Have a nice fucken day!

Monday, April 15, 2013


These last 4 days have been long to say the least. 15, 16 and 12 hr work days and I do not get along anymore.  I didn't eat too bad, but I could of done better.  Speaking of which, here's another little problem that needs to go away as well.

Dear Nuts, parting is such sweet sorrow.  I will have to use alternatives immediately.

I need to get in the water!  I need to shave my legs, wax that bikini and get in the water.  

Today is a rest day therefore tomorrow back at it.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

It's a starting point

5:30 am Thursday April 11th, 2013.

Let's just get right to the point because the numbers don't lie.

3/28/2012                   4/11/2013
wt 156                           wt 161.5
bf% 31.4                       bf% 35.54

Out of the 6 lbs I've gained it's more than likely all body fat.  

At first I was pretty OK, about an hour later is when it hit me.  "F*** all that hard work for nothing" and last but not the worst "YOUR FAT".


Anyway-- Today was Z1 active recovery day.  I was able to run 1/2 mile at about a 70% pace.  

Wolfed down 4 eggs with cabbage in my face.  Its true what they say, when your really hungry you'll eat chicken and steamed broccoli.

Flying out today for 2 days of work.  ya (with no enthusiasm).

Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday Funday

I didn't blog yesterday...maybe the novelty of all this is wearing off?  There was no running, swimming or lifting of any kind this weekend.  A part of me is OK with it and a part of me is kind of sad.  I don't like feeling down, stressed or without motivation. I wish I had a more of a "Get up and Go" attitude.

This was Saturday's venture.

my hubby and I enjoyed them.

There is so much going on with me.  First and foremost, this week is mid-terms(enough said). Secondly, I'm leaving for Hayward Thursday on a 48 hr work trip.  I must eat to survive this,  I usually don't  when I get over-whelmed.  My blogging and FB will probably grow quiet this week while I concentrate on other priorities.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Gone in 60 seconds

I woke up late this morning and had some errands to do.  By the time it was 10:30 I realized I hadn't eaten and didn't have anything to eat as well.

There it was, my favorite donut.  It didn't stand a chance.  Lenel didn't stand a chance.  

I guess the worst part was I had spent a good hour the night before preparing food for someone else's dinner. Why didn't I just put aside a little for me in the morning?  The truth is, I forgot.

At any rate...all the food was gone in 60 seconds. Whether is was last nights dinner or this morning's Donut.  

Buzz Lightyear said it best, "Onward and Upward".
Tomorrow is a new day

Friday, April 5, 2013


The decision to forego 13.5 was simple.  I was tired and forgot to set my alarm last night.

Made it to the box 3x's this week and I would consider my attendance successful and effective.

Guess what?  I still cant get 1 dead hang!  Will practice everytime I go in.

Body Fat water tank test.  **Is a must do.  The weekend is reserved for friends, fun, studying and rest.


Thursday, April 4, 2013

April 4th

I'm tired. I didnt get up to go to Crossfit and I justified it with I'll go to 5pm.  The truth is, I dont want to go to 5pm.  Not because I dont want to workout but other reasons.

Yesterday I had lunch and then a later lunch at 2:30.  One hell of a juicy lettuce wrap bacon burger with smoky mayo and pickles. A couple of boneless hot chicken wings fell in my mouth. Oh well.

My mind wanders alot.  Sometimes I realize, hey they just yelled at me. By the time I come to its after the fact.

Preparing for a busy weekend.  Going out to support TCA at Derby Day and sticking with Nicole's kidos so she can do the race. Make coffee, get tags, study for Calc, read Econ. Sunday party at Max's, family and study. I feel like I'm forgetting something....?

My biggest joy this quarter is the roses.  I have weeded, watered, feed, prayed and endured so beauty can prevail.


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April 3rd - Hump Day

I'm sore to say the least and tired, therefore today is a rest day.  :)

Today is also the last day of my magic pot food.

This is a spicy roasted pork with spinach and cauliflower.

I feel ok, my bills are paid, my kids are safe and healthy, my boss is bugging me, my underwear is clean and I'm taking care of schoolwork.  What more could I ask for?

I will admit Crossfit is addicting.  I remember feeling bad for not going this morning.  

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April 2nd

Woke up today without the alarm clock.  I like this better because my alarm can be so rude at 5:15am.

I like getting there early. 

We started to warm up with Press and Push Press.  15lb bar for me today.  But I'm telling you my form was perfect! :)

8,8,6,8 sets of Push Press
4 sets of 10 reps 53lb Bench
5 sets of 3 reps Dips(green band) is a matador and wtf are the bands?
Side Bridge, there was maybe 10-15 sec holds for me on each side. Those suck

Again, the question begs to be asked "What are you doing"?  

ok, I'll go get it.
found the Journal

Interesting discussion today....going to Crossfit 5 days a week.  Conclusion: that because the workouts lack high intensity, there is plenty of rest between sets and a Z1 active recovery day on Thursdays, 5 days a week is do-able.

Next week***Start goals and plan a descending weekly training schedule to achieve them.

Dropped off 4 teenagers at Universal Studios...I so wanted to stay. Call in at work and have fun all day.

The caption is "I almost went"

Monday, April 1, 2013

Monday April 1st

5:35 thats when I stopped pushing snooze and got my ass out of bed.  I had to find the clothes because I was too lazy the night before to get them out.

brush teeth, 1/2 cup of coffee and out the door.  Upon entering the driveway, I noticed someone parked stupidly.  Fucken Land Rover took up an extra parking spot.  Should I find that person and say something crossed my mind.

Eric announced that I was back, people clapped and that was nice.  

Started with 33 lb bar on some snatch move, went down to 30 lb bar and then Perla suggested a PVC pipe and overhead squats.  Good call Perla!  My hips hurt to reach below parallel.  On to DB split squats. Couldn't get my knee to the ground.  Such a nasty 6 rounds to say the least. Finally negative chin-ups which were totally do-able so do-able that I had to watch other people do weighted. FUCK

20cal on the bike thing, roll and stretch. Out the door...theres that same Land Rover still taking up 2 parking spaces.

**Note to self----STAY clear of annoying people.

Things I want to do:

1) Listen more
2) study movements
3) keep the small talk to a minimal
4) ask more questions
5) new pants and INOV8's