Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday Funday

I didn't blog yesterday...maybe the novelty of all this is wearing off?  There was no running, swimming or lifting of any kind this weekend.  A part of me is OK with it and a part of me is kind of sad.  I don't like feeling down, stressed or without motivation. I wish I had a more of a "Get up and Go" attitude.

This was Saturday's venture.

my hubby and I enjoyed them.

There is so much going on with me.  First and foremost, this week is mid-terms(enough said). Secondly, I'm leaving for Hayward Thursday on a 48 hr work trip.  I must eat to survive this,  I usually don't  when I get over-whelmed.  My blogging and FB will probably grow quiet this week while I concentrate on other priorities.

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