Thursday, April 11, 2013

It's a starting point

5:30 am Thursday April 11th, 2013.

Let's just get right to the point because the numbers don't lie.

3/28/2012                   4/11/2013
wt 156                           wt 161.5
bf% 31.4                       bf% 35.54

Out of the 6 lbs I've gained it's more than likely all body fat.  

At first I was pretty OK, about an hour later is when it hit me.  "F*** all that hard work for nothing" and last but not the worst "YOUR FAT".


Anyway-- Today was Z1 active recovery day.  I was able to run 1/2 mile at about a 70% pace.  

Wolfed down 4 eggs with cabbage in my face.  Its true what they say, when your really hungry you'll eat chicken and steamed broccoli.

Flying out today for 2 days of work.  ya (with no enthusiasm).

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